How to Use “Vlads Test Target” for Camera Scanning
When scanning film with a digital camera there are only two absolute musts in regards of captured image: it should be uniformly sharp and focused from the edge to the edge. Those two qualities can only be achieved when: the film holder is absolutely parallel to the camera's sensor plane (and keeps film absolutely flat) and you need a lens which is capable of faithfully reproducing your image at 1:1 scale ( or around that value depending on the camera sensor size and film format) The first requirements can be achieved by carefully positioning and fine-tuning the camera so that when the image to be captured is in focus, it neatly fills the camera frame, and the center and all the corners are equally sharp. The "Vlads Test Target" (Google it!) has been designed specifically to allow visual control and the best alignment detection. The Vlads Test Target film strips are so sharp that even the slightest loss of focus causes image edges in the digital camera to b