Essential Film Holder for vertical scanning

Keeping digital camera stable and film flat and pinned to the specific place in space while digitizing are of paramount importance. Without camera looking exactly at the center of the image and having lens optical axis strictly perpendicular to the negatives' plane the quality capture is simply impossible.

Film holder takes special place in digitizing process. It has to:
  • keep film flat
  • keep film flat ;-)
  • allow film transport in strips or rolls without any disturbances to the alignment
  • allow framed transparencies insertion and removal without disturbing the system as much as possible ( we know  that transparencies/chromes/slides come in different mounts over the years so it would not be expected that some lens refocusing will not be required). 
  • Good quality uniform light diffuser - preferably built-in.
  • ideally film holder should not be terribly expensive, unless expense of buying tank-like-built  film holder is justified by huge volume of scans.    
Let's take a look at  Essential Film Holder for Camera Scanning :

Here’s a few things that make the EFH so popular:

You can order it and get delivered to your door - no DIY required.
Multiple film formats are fully supported in one design 120 and 35mm.

 Sizes supported: full frame 35mm (including sprockets), 6x4.5, 6x6, 6x7 and finally 6x9.

Perfectly flat negatives : Right across the frame, the negative remains flat, giving your camera the best possibility of getting a high resolution digitization image. No flattening glass is used, so no fringing and no ‘Newton Rings’.

Consistent positioning: Easy to obtain consistent relative positioning to lessen the pain at post processing of your images.

Perfectly diffused backlight every time: The included professional grade diffuser uses a specially selected materials to create an even back light, thus avoiding hot-spots on your image that are so easy to obtain (and so difficult to avoid) with old-school, reflective cheap diffusers.

Super-quick setup: The design facilitates super-fast setup of the film holder, so you’ll spend more time digitizing than aligning!

FAST!: Compared to Epson v600, we’re talking lightning fast ! 36-shot roll of 35mm get scanned in well under 5-6 minutes!!

User-adjustable configuration: The EFH range offers the user a number of different build configurations to facilitate a variety of usage modes... different backlights, different backlight-to-diffuser distances and variations of film-to-diffuser distances.

The EFH is quite affordable: A fraction of the price of other professionally manufactured  solutions. Compare the price to proprietary MK-1, Nikon slide copying adapters and others - and you will find EFH price is very competitive and the holder be better suited for camera and backlight integration.  

(Some wording is borrowed from the original web-site with the manufacturer's permission) 


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