
I am migrating my write-ups to

I am migrating my write-ups to Medium . Seems, blog form factor is not really suitable as product support site - not even as F.A.Q. So I invite everyone to come to my pages on Medium - they are never going to be hidden behind paywall so you don't have register with Medium if you don't want to. I will host two publications: and anyone can join me and contribute if you inclined so. I also start publishing articles on LinkedIn @ , but that's mostly the nod to Google linking and SEO. Negative Lab Pro, worth the investment?   Gears and Precision: The Mechanics of Film Scanning Zen and the Art of Camera Scanning or The Brief History of Vlads Test Target

"Vlads Test Target"s are coming to the store near you

"Vlads Test Target"s are coming to the Amazon shop near you 😉.  I am letting Amazon fulfill the orders so targets are shipped faster and shipping is free for Amazon Prime members. The first batch is already sitting in the Amazon warehouse. Funny enough, it turned out that Amazon search works in strange ways, so entering "Vlads Test Target" brings up anything, but the targets. Apparently all words in query are considered different options: Vlads OR Test Or Target . Anyway, here is the the proper query: : vlads+test+target And here are the direct product links: Strip of 3 - High Resolution 35 mm Test Target on Adox CMS II Pro 35 mm film. 3 frames Strip of 5 - High Resolution 35 mm Test Target on Adox CMS II Pro 35 mm film. 5 frames Type 120 Test Target and Focusing Aid 6x6, 6x7, 6x9, 6x12 4x5 inch Test Target and Focusing Aid

Scan-tastic! Fine-tuning Your Flatbed Scanner for Film with Vlads Test Target

Hey there, film-scanning fanatics! If you're using a flatbed scanner to digitize your old rolls, listen up. Did you know that placing the film at the right distance from the glass surface of the scanner bed can make a big difference in image quality? It's true! And if you want to fine-tune your Epson scanner for film scanning, there's a very nice video out there that shows you how to do it. And don't worry, it involves Vlads Test Target - the gold standard in film-scanning geekery. So grab your popcorn and get ready for a wild ride! Good luck scanning, and remember: keep your distance!

APO Rodagon D 2X 4.5/75 mm vs. Sigma 2.8/70 Macro Art - Fight of the Century

If someone would want to compare the full size .png exports from the camera scans taken with Canon EOS R camera and APO Rodagon D 2X 4.5/75 mm and Sigma 2.8/70 Macro Art here is the link .  The film original is "Vlads Test Target" on 35 mm Adox CMS 20 Pro film.  The pictures in the series were taken at shutter speeds no longer then 1/160 sec at full range of lens apertures. The aperture setting is included in the file name. The folder QuickCompare contains the same images, but less informative parts of images were cut out so it's easier to compare the files.   Full scan: Abbreviated file: I would suggest to download the files locally and use Lightroom or similar app to review images at 100% - otherwise you will not see the differences. Let me just note that the scans resolution is limited by the camera sensor, not by the lenses. See my previous post for details:

Vibration-Proof Scanning Setup: Is Yours Up to the Task?

As I look at pictures of camera-scanning setups, I can't help but have a persistent worry: what if all of these weights on long poles are just pendulums waiting for a bump to start swinging. Of course, the manufacturers claim that their stands are as steady as rock, as stable as an Egyptian pyramid, as solid as gold bullions. However, I am not fully convinced. If I were to tell you that a camera on such a stand moving just 1/10 the thickness of a human hair during exposure would result in a loss of half the resolution, would you be concerned? So, in this article, I'll present my arguments and show you how to check and possibly secure your own scanning setup against vibrations. Blurring the edges Certainly, let's start from the basics and define what is meant by "blur".  Blurring on a camera occurs as a result of movement of the camera, subject, or both. Motion blur specifically refers to the streaking or smearing seen in the image due to this movement [1].   On th

35 mm alignment strip

  Vlads Test Target has addition to the family - “35 mm alignment strip” "35 mm alignment strip” is the high precision test target executed via high-fidelity laser printing on specialty Agfa-Gevaert photographic film. Because of how it's made, the image elements are geometrically perfect - lines are straight and parallel to each other, the fine raster is very uniform and is distortion-free.   IMG_20221225_153412141.jpg What does that bring to the field of camera scanning? The target geometrically resembles a 35 mm film strip (type 135). All markings on film are per the spec, including the 24x36 mm frame which corresponds to the typical film camera gate. While positioning the strip in a scanning film holder, user can observe exactly how the actual negative will fit in the film holder and any parts which might be exposed or obscured. IMG_20221225_154220492.jpg The target also contains marking 23x35 mm depicting how a typical mount would mask parts of the frame to remove the edge

Let's compare side by side Silverfast and Vlads Test Targets

Here is the article I published on FB product page:

Vlad's take on the current campaign to promote “Euphoric 100” film from Atlanta Film Co.

Here is my take re: the current campaign to promote “Euphoric 100” film from Atlanta Film Co. ( ) The availability of Kodak EKTACHROME 100D in 36 exp rolls at the lower price is a very good news For certain, the availability of Kodak EKTACHROME 100D in 36 exp rolls at the lower price is a very good and healthy development. So it’s a bit counterintuitive that offering the top shelf color reversible film at a lower price point is not what Atlanta Film Co is spotlighting. Instead, they are trying to reach the souls and wallets of the film geeks on almost subliminal level: here is the deep purple can, the Euphoric name, charming models in what appears to be bomb shelter setting, and bootleg-movie contrast and colors style. Enticing film photographers with the distinct style the cross-processed EKTACHROME The press release and the review in by Molly Kate (